IUI #2
Numbers definitely looking better this time around. Vial sample had 38mil motility. As of Saturday, follicle sizes were 23.4, 19.7, and 16.2. Of course there’s a risk of multiples but I’m willing to take that chance! The lining was still low but i started estrogen after day 10 monitoing. We are throwing everything but the kitchen sink at this one. In addition to being medicated, I’ve been taking the shot of pomegranate juice leading up to IUI and will now start the pineapple core and brazil nuts. For the record can I just say YUCK but whatever it takes 😂🤣😂
#StickyThoughts #BabyDust
Not Pregnant
Here’s the thing, everything about the first IUI cycle was a mess! Follicle size much smaller than they wanted, lining numbers much lower than they wanted, and donor sperm less motile than expected. So I had very little hope that I was pregnant. Basically I have called it a very expensive trial run!!
But I have come to terms with that and shifted my focus earlier this week, to put all my positive energy towards this cycle and IUI #2. I’m throwing everything into this one… Picked a new donor that I’m confident in, doing all the old wives tales (pomegranate juice (😝yuck), pineapple core, Brazil nuts, vitamin E and omega c3). My treatment team is finally on the same page, so we are doing a medicated cycle with Clomid, Progesterone, and Ovidrel (or trigger shot).
Although my period started 2 days earlier, which threw me into a frenzy and the process off a little… I feel much more confident going into this cycle and have activated the prayer warriors 🙏🏾. I speak pregnancy into life this time around
This TWW or Two Week Wait period is hard. I have tried to keep my mind occupied on other things in an effort to not think about it. And unfortunately, this timeframe came during the week that I was off from work. I realize that I did not plan this very well. So I have found it incredibly hard, especially when you are conflicted with so many emotions and acting as if you’re pregnant. I find that everything I do I am consumed with the thoughts of being pregnant, often searching thousands of thing on Google related to this timeframe and/or being pregnant. Questions like: what position should I sleep in, what foods are good or which ones can I not eat, limiting heavy lifting, wondering if I can have caffeine, what should my exercise look like, and is this cramping normal.
I have fought off the urge to take a pregnancy test and didn’t initially buy any for this reason. In my mind I have told myself, as long as I don’t know the results, I can act as if I am pregnant and be excited about the possibility alone. But the minute I test and see the negative result, that will become my reality. And I don’t know if my emotions, my mind, my heart, or my feelings can handle it…
To add to my complications of the TWW, I will have to entertain choosing another donor due to motility results from the 2 vials I previously purchased. The motility for the 2 vials didn’t even add up to the guarantee rates of one vial and the fertility doctor believes it is a donor issue. So although I want to act as if this IUI worked, I have to also be realistic that if it didn’t work, I need to complete the process necessary to genetically review and purchase a new sperm donor for a July cycle. There is way too much to this process that I never even considered I would be addressing!
Post IUI Fries
Late post: but if you know, you know!!! According to an old wives tale, you are supposed to eat french fries after an IUI to help make the baby stick. Don’t know if it works but it was a great excuse to eat some Chick-Fil-A 🙂