• makingmommymoves@yahoo.com

Not Pregnant

Not Pregnant

Here’s the thing, everything about the first IUI cycle was a mess! Follicle size much smaller than they wanted, lining numbers much lower than they wanted, and donor sperm less motile than expected. So I had very little hope that I was pregnant. Basically I have called it a very expensive trial run!!

But I have come to terms with that and shifted my focus earlier this week, to put all my positive energy towards this cycle and IUI #2. I’m throwing everything into this one… Picked a new donor that I’m confident in, doing all the old wives tales (pomegranate juice (😝yuck), pineapple core, Brazil nuts, vitamin E and omega c3). My treatment team is finally on the same page, so we are doing a medicated cycle with Clomid, Progesterone, and Ovidrel (or trigger shot).

Although my period started 2 days earlier, which threw me into a frenzy and the process off a little… I feel much more confident going into this cycle and have activated the prayer warriors 🙏🏾. I speak pregnancy into life this time around

Mommy To Be