• makingmommymoves@yahoo.com

Tag Archive marathon

Marathon Appointments

If scheduling the appointments was bad, I should have known what was to come.

Thursday March 25- Lets just say I left my house yesterday at 7:30p and didn’t get home until almost 5:00p. Started with check in with the PCP, 2nd dose of the Varicella vaccine, blood work, and the Maternal Fetal Medicine consult. Definitely informational but it was information overload! I had to adjust to the news that due to serious medical issues, age, and weight- I am considered a “at-risk” pregnancy. Its a hard pillow to swallow but I am committed to persevere and loving the dynamic team I am building to help my dreams come to fruition.

Friday March 26- Day 3 of cycle appointments at Shady Grove. Kind of routine so I thought. But no one prepared me for the vaginal ultrasound!!!! And I clearly had breakfast on the way to the appointment when I was supposed to be fasting. Results turned out ok. They are worried about follicle production as that number is not where they want it. Another period of waiting for all updates to be received before seeing my doctor in late April.

Through all this, I only want my future baby to know how much it is wanted!