• makingmommymoves@yahoo.com



The other day someone told me I was doing too much for Nishay’s 1st birthday. And initially i questioned myself… But as I thought about it more what I wanted to tell them is, if you knew the story of my journey, you’d be celebrating too!

I literally think back to when it was just a thought and the difficulties I had trying to conceive. The medical issues that flaired, the many hospital trips including my long term stay. Going to my regular monitoring appointment, being walked over to labor and delivery, and immediately induced due to pre-eclampsia symptoms. After 24hrs of labor both my daughter and I going into distress with blood pressure readings being off the charts and no fetal movement detected. To Nishay being born with the umbilical cord around her neck and me being separated from her overnight. To my severe infection that kept us in the hospital longer. A difficult healing process and serious bouts of postpartum depression.

So you see, I’m not just celebrating a 1st birthday-I’m celebrating the good, the bad, and the ugly of this amazing motherhood journey. I’m praising God for my blessings, my dream deferred, his answered prayers, and my miracle baby girl!

Mommy To Be

One thought on “Reflections

Auntie LauriePosted on  12:29 pm - Mar 15, 2023

Sometimes, there are too many voices… You celebrate EVERYTHING, GIRL – the smallest and most ginormous moments! I promise you will never regret that…

Rhonda DraytonPosted on  2:53 pm - Mar 15, 2023

Well if they really knew you, they would know that you CELEBRATE! You recognize everyone and leave no stone unturned. That is part of the reason I admire you. Do you and enjoy Nishay’s birthday however you wish!😃

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