• makingmommymoves@yahoo.com



Migraines have been apart of my life since high school! They came in with a regence and have gotten progressively worse over the years. The pain, the tears, the auras, the nausea, the light sensitivity, the ice packs, the doctors and hospital visits, the medication trials, and the days missed…

Needless to say the migraine adventure has been a rocky one! But within the last 2 years, I felt my neurologists and I had finally gotten it right. A place where they were manageable, required less appointments, and had found the right medication combination including my rescue ones. So when I started this journey to motherhood, I was not fully prepared for the medication changes. Changes to not only my migraine meds but my allergies and asthma too. My neurologists has officially taken me off all preventative migraine medications but 1 and I can no longer take my normal rescues either.

My body has gone into full overload. I feel like I’m in a constant state of head pain these days. Some days more manageable than others. And tylenol does very little to help either. My neurologists says many women respond to pregnancy, so they may decrease significantly during and after pregnancy. But I have to get there first and others have said don’t count on that happening 😫

The love and sacrifice, even now, for my unborn child is hella strong!!!

Mommy To Be