Just in Time
Well the baby shower was right on time because that Monday I went to my normal MFM appointment and they sent me straight to labor and delivery. Apparently I had gone into severe range of pre-eclampsia due higher blood pressures and increased levels in urine. They decided to immediately induce.
I labored through Monday night and Tuesday. Upset that now, my OB would most likely not be delivering my baby. My water broke naturally (side note: why do they make it seem like only little drops of water come out when your water breaks. TV spoiled me because I wasn’t prepared to be feeling like I was peeing on myself most of the day. That water came gushing out).
After my water broke ish got real, labor pains increased and became more intense that I opted for the epidural. Things calmed down and I continued to progress, until it didn’t….. Breakthrough contractions came through and several hours later I was still only 7 centimeters dilated. Both baby girl and I went into distress with spiking blood pressures for me and limited movements for her through monitoring. So the team decided on doing an emergency c-section.
Needless to say, I don’t think anything about my birthing plan happened but my baby girl was born Tuesday, March 15 at 10:03pm weighing 7lbs 1oz and 19 inches long